BEST CREATiFES 2012 に掲載されました!

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  • 表示回数 1,830

世界で最も権威のあるデザイン賞の一つであるドイツのiF product design award 2012を受賞させて戴いたネジザウルスGT。

BEST CREATiFES 2012がこの度刊行されました。if2012_1



Describe yourself in three words.
When you were younger, what did you want to be?
Did you ever think you would be doing what you do today?
An astronaut,but it was more realistic to take over my father's business.


Imagine opening the newspaper in the morning.
What headline would you like to read about yourself?
lg Nobel Prize winner! (an American parody of the Nobel prize)
What object could you not live without?
A glass of beer
If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be and why?
I would love to become an astronaut & see the Earth from space.
Name your favorite product, city and publication: